Original Art

A selection of original art is for sale. Most are from my book, Damselflies of the Northeast. The selection will be updated periodically. I am not able to accept commissions at this time.

Unless noted, each piece is 8.5 x 11 inches, acrylic on Arches 140 lb watercolor paper. To reserve a painting, contact me at azurebluet@aol.com. The first person to reserve a particular painting will be offered the painting first.

Prices include shipping via USPS Priority Mail. Contact me for shipping rates to other countries. Currently, I can accept checks or money orders in US dollars only or Paypal with an additional fee. Please allow at least one week for your check to clear before the art is shipped. New York State residents must add sales tax.

The experience of viewing a digital image is very different from seeing an original painting. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, contact me and return it in its original condition for a full refund.
Spotted Spreadwing
Lestes congener
male lateral $85
Spotted Spreadwing
Lestes congener
female lateral $85
Amber-winged Spreadwing
Lestes eurinus
detail $50
Slender Spreadwing
Lestes rectangularis
male/female $160
Northern Spreadwing
Lestes disjunctus
female lateral $50 RESERVED
Mayfly, Antlion, Fishfly
Blackwater Bluet
Enallagma weewa
male dorsal $110
Blue-fronted Dancer
Argia apicalis
brown form female $50
Attenuated Bluet
Enallagma daeckii
male/female $160
Turquoise Bluet
Enallagma divagans
male/female $160
Atlantic Bluet
Enallagma doubledayi
male/female $160
Boreal Bluet
Enallagma boreale
two females $160 RESERVED
Pine Barrens Bluet
Enallagma recurvatum
male/female $160
Furtive Forktail
Ischnura prognata
male $85
Spreadwing ovipositors 1
australis, congener,
unguiculatus, forcipatus $90
Spreadwing ovipositors 2
rectangularis, inaequalis,
vigilax, dryas $90
Spreadwing ovipositors 3
disjunctus, eurinus,
rectangularis tarsi $50